Saturday, April 14, 2018

An Overlooked Danger

Bird on a Wire

Savannah Sparrow
Dobbins Farm
Upstate South Carolina

The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is safety.



  1. Like your new blog! And the quote. Came across one the other day myself - from Ferlinghetti's intro to his own translations of Jacques Prévert: "Man is destined for joy but there’s a permanent conspiracy against it”.

  2. Thanks, Dominic! Glad you like the new blog. I love the Jacques Prevert quote. Yes, we are destined for joy, and, yes, there clearly appears to be a conspiracy against it, all of which begs the ultimate existential question: Can we say "yes" to the whole package and embrace all that comes our way, the joy and the sorrow, the uncertainty of every moment, the inability to comprehend most of the mystery that surrounds our brief transit through life.
